Hidden. Until the full moon.



The Jackwolves


Young Sam knows hard work and hardship, but he has always had the love of family and the joy of music to carry him through. His friendship with Arabella leads to a life-or-death moment that will take him away from everything he has ever known. He will travel hundreds of miles to a new life, but will he pass the final test when he arrives?

The Witches


With a wink of understanding and a smile that rouses courage, the oldest and most powerful of the matriarchy knows an old destiny must be born.


Poised and composed, she is the web that connects and the tree that grows. She will help birth a life and bring another to an end.

Alma & Cadi

In the dark of the new moon, Alma brings Cadi into the world. From the moment she is born, she ties together generations of magic and myth.


A big-hearted helper or mischief maker, he is more than just an errand boy. He will be both as part of a destiny bigger than even he could imagine.